(A)   Each fixed base operator shall, upon being authorized by the Board of County Commissioners and as the construction of any required physical facilities permit, immediately commence and conduct, on a full-time basis, all business activities and services authorized.
   (B)   Except in cases of fixed base operators offering T-hanger or inside hangar aircraft storage only, each fixed base operator shall provide and maintain an office, which shall be staffed and open to the public during the normal business hours of each normal business day, which shall be the operator’s office of place of business on the airport, and shall provide therein, at least: a waiting room with appropriate furnishings; separate restrooms for men and women; and a public telephone. These facilities and office shall be kept in a neat, clean, and orderly condition, and properly painted. Only one office shall be required of each fixed base operator. No fixed base operator, or its employees, agents, officers, or other persons connected with the business shall use the office area or other facilities of any other fixed base operator without the consent of said fixed base operator.
   (C)   The fixed base operator and all personnel and employees shall be competent and shall hold all current, valid certificates, permits, licenses, or other authorities required by the Civil Aeronautics Board and the Federal Aviation Administration, including any required Federal Aviation Administration air taxi permits and Public Service Commission certificates. Fixed base operators shall not utilize any pilot in any aircraft operations who does not hold valid and current certificates from the Civil Aeronautics Board and Federal Aviation Administration necessary for him or her to conduct such activities.
   (D)   Each fixed base operator approved shall enter into an agreement with the port, which includes an agreement on the part of the fixed base operator to accept, be bound by, comply with, and conduct his or her business operations in accordance with the rules and regulations described in this chapter, and to agree that his or her license and authority to carry on business on the airport shall be subject to the terms and conditions set out in the rules and regulations described in this chapter; and the revocation or termination thereof is herein provided.
   (E)   Each fixed base operator shall be responsible for the removal of snow and ice from all his or her leased areas and areas in which he or she is authorized to operate, and shall keep his or her leased areas and areas in which he or she is authorized to operate free and clear of all weeds, rocks, debris, and other material which could cause damage to aircraft, buildings, persons, or automobiles as the result of aircraft engine operation. The county may, at the request of the operator and in the discretion of the Airport Manager, assist the fixed base operator in snow, ice, and weed removal; provided such operator shall assume the liability of the county’s actions in this regard and shall indemnify and hold the county, its officials, officers, agents, and employees harmless from all liability in connection with all things done by the county pursuant thereto and in connection with such snow, ice, and weed removal.
   (F)   The fixed base operator shall park and store the aircraft used in his or her operations and his or her customers’ aircraft on his or her assigned area only, unless he or she arranges for such parking with another fixed base operator or the Airport Manager.
(Ord. 1, passed 3-9-1965)