For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ASHES. The residue from the burning of wood, coal, or other combustible materials.
BOARD. The Board of County Commissioners of Idaho County, Idaho.
BULKY ITEMS. Any items exceeding three feet in length, width, or height.
COMMERCIAL PREMISES. Multi-family dwellings, rooming houses, apartment houses, hospitals, nursing and convalescent homes, hotels, motels, restaurants, drive-in establishments, mobile home parks, trailer courts, schools, kindergartens, and any other place of habitation, office, shop, farming or ranching operations, or establishment or place of conducting a business, trade, profession, or occupation.
CONTRACTOR. A person or entity holding a license or contract with the county or employed by the county and thereby authorized or designated by the county to collect, handle, transport, and dispose of solid waste.
COUNTY. The County of Idaho, State of Idaho.
GENERATOR. Any resident of a residential unit or business unit who creates any solid waste of any kind, including, but not limited to, “hazardous” or “infectious” wastes.
HAZARDOUS WASTE. Any chemical, compound, mixture, substance, or article which is designated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, or other appropriate agency of the federal government or the state, to be “hazardous” as that term is commonly defined or defined pursuant to law to include certain petroleum products.
INDUSTRIAL WASTE. Includes all waste from industrial, agricultural, logging, or other business that is not acceptable for collection as being too bulky, hazardous, or inflammable.
INFECTIOUS WASTE. Any material, chemical, compound, mixture, substance, or article known to be infectious by the producer or which is designated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, or other appropriate agency of the federal government or the state, to be “infectious”, as that term is commonly defined or defined pursuant to law.
PERSON. The United States or agencies thereof; any state or public or private corporation, local government unit, public agency, individual, partnership, association, firm, trust, estate, or any other entity.
PREMISES. Land and all buildings and structures thereon, including, but not limited to: single or multi-family dwellings; rooming houses; apartment houses; hospitals; nursing and convalescent homes; hotels; motels; restaurants; drive-in establishments; schools; kindergartens; and any other place of habitation; office; shop; farming or ranching operations; or establishment or place of conducting a business, trade, profession, or occupation.
PUTRESCIBLE WASTE. Solid wastes capable of being decomposed anaerobically with sufficient rapidity as to cause nuisances from offensive odors or produce fly-breeding conditions.
RECYCLABLE MATERIALS. Products, including: paper; cardboard; metal; glass; or other substance capable of being re-processed into consumer materials, which have served the purpose for which they were originally manufactured or produced and have passed through their end usage as consumer items, and which have been discarded or placed for collection by their owner, whether or not such products have monetary value.
RECYCLING CENTER. Any materials recovery facility that receives recyclables, then sorts, bails, loads, or physically alters the material and transports the commodities to markets.
REFUSE. All garbage and rubbish, more particularly referred to as MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE (MSW) and NON-MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE (non-MSW).
RESIDENT or OWNER. Every person, including lessees and occupants, in possession, charge, custody, or control of any premises, residential or commercial, where solid waste is created or accumulated.
RESIDENTIAL UNITS. Every type of dwelling unit, including, but not limited to: houses; apartments; and mobile homes.
RUBBISH. Refuse other than garbage: tin cans; bottles; ashes; paper; pasteboard; cardboard; wooden boxes; incidental, non-commercial grass and leaves; and/or construction and demolition waste materials, produced in the normal course of doing business or everyday living.
SOLID WASTE. All solid material that is considered to be useless, unwanted, or discarded by the person in possession of it, including, but not limited to: ashes; garbage; refuse; rubbish; or any other discarded material resulting from community activities. SOLID WASTE shall mean any garbage or refuse resulting from community activities as follows.
(1) INERT WASTE. Non-combustible, non-hazardous, and non-putrescible solid wastes that are likely to retain their physical and chemical structure and have a de minimis potential to generate leachate under expected conditions of disposal.
(2) GARBAGE. All putrescible waste, except sewage and body waste, both animal and human, including waste that attends the preparation, use, cooking, dealing in or storing of meat, fish, fowl, fruit and vegetables; and shall include all such waste or accumulations of vegetable matter of residences, restaurants, hotels, and places where food is prepared for human consumption. It shall also include small animals. GARBAGE shall not include recognized industrial bi-products or hazardous and infectious waste as defined by the state’s Department of Health and the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
SOLID WASTE COORDINATOR. The authorized employee of the county or individual designated by the Board of County Commissioners as having the duty of the enforcement of this chapter.
SYSTEM. The lands, sites, facilities, equipment, regulation, procedures, and schedules established by this chapter for the collection, transportation, storage, treatment, processing, reuse, recycling, or other means necessary for the disposal of solid waste.
TRANSFER STATION. A facility, or portion thereof, where solid wastes are transferred from a vehicle or container and subsequently transported off-site to another facility. A TRANSFER STATION does not include an authorized rural drop-box or other facilities where persons are authorized to store individual waste for ultimate collection and disposal, or any other facility that stores solid waste generated at the facility for collection and disposal off-site. A TRANSFER STATION shall include waste tire collection sites, as defined in Idaho Code § 39-6501.
WHITE GOODS. Household appliances including, but not limited to: refrigerators; ranges; washers; dryers; and the like.
(Ord. 65, passed 9-17-2019)