(A)   Upon the receipt of the required numbers of copies of the final plat and the required numbers of copies of the final engineering construction drawings as are hereunder required, and upon receipt of all other written certifications hereinabove set forth (some are contained on the plat itself, see Appendix A), the County Clerk shall place review of the final plat on the agenda of the Board of County Commissioners at the next available regularly scheduled meeting, upon approval of the Chairperson; and the Board of County Commissioners, if it shall find that all certifications are proper and that the plat is in conformance with the terms of this chapter, and the modifications of the preliminary plat earlier were satisfied and approved, approve the final plat. Otherwise, the Board of County Commissioners will put in writing to the subdivider its reason for disapproving or tabling the final plat.
   (B)   Upon the approval of the final plat by the Board of County Commissioners, the subdivider shall submit the final plat to the County Clerk for recording.
      (1)   Final plat and covenants (if any) shall be filed with the County Recorder within 90 days after written approval by the Board of County Commissioners has been had; otherwise, such approval shall become null and void, unless, prior to the said expiration date, an extension of time is applied for and granted by the Board of County Commissioners. This extension of time is applied for by a written letter to the Board of County Commissioners.
      (2)   The letter must arrive to the County Clerk before the 90 days, referenced in division (B)(1) above, have passed. The letter must state the request, the reason for the need of an extension, and the anticipated recording date. The maximum extension is one year from the date of the approval of the final plat.
(Ord. 70, passed 5-19-2020)