§ 150.001 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The regulations described in this chapter are authorized by: Idaho Code Title 31, Chapters 6, 7, and 8; Title 50, Chapter 13; and Title 67, Chapter 65, as amended or subsequently codified.
   (B)   The purposes of the regulations described in this chapter are to promote public health, safety, and general welfare, and to provide for:
      (1)   The orderly development of the county consistent with applicable policies and plans adopted by the Board of County Commissioners;
      (2)   To achieve well laid-out streets and building sites in accordance with proposed uses and adapted to the terrain and natural setting;
      (3)   To conserve the natural beauty of the county;
      (4)   To provide safe access, adequate drainage, and utilities for the proposed sites;
      (5)   The avoidance of scattered subdivision of land as would involve danger of injury to health, safety, or general welfare by reason of the lack of water supply, drainage, transportation, or other public services, or the unnecessary imposition of an excessive expenditure of public funds for the supply of such services;
      (6)   The requirements as to the extent and manner in which roads shall be created and improved; water, sewer, and other utility mains shall be installed as condition precedent to the approval of a plat;
      (7)   The manner and form of making and filing of any plat; and
      (8)   The administration of the regulations described in this chapter by defining the powers and duties of approval authorities, including procedures for the equitable review and approval of all plats of subdivisions covered by these provisions.
(Ord. 70, passed 5-19-2020)