Provided that the context does not give rise to practical difficulties, interpretations of certain zoning title language and certain standards will usually be applied in the following manner:
   A.   Buildings Across Parcel Description Lines:
      1.   Provided legal and contiguous parcels of record are owned by the same property owner(s), building(s) that have been developed across property lines shall merge the properties into one parcel for the determination of zoning standards.
   B.   Fences And Wall Height Measurement:
      1.   Maximum fence and wall height shall be measured from the finished grade at the property line. That portion of a wall or fence functioning as a retaining wall shall not be counted in determining overall fence or wall height.
   C.   Yard Orientation On Through Lots:
      1.   On through lots, where public road frontage at both ends exists, either line may be designated by the Administrator as the front yard; however, the predominate orientation of existing structures and the presence of street access limitations on that block shall determine the front of the structure.
   D.   Setback Encroachments:
      1.   Setbacks shall not be less than the minimum dimension specified in the specific section, except as follows: Cornices, canopies, eaves, or other similar architectural features not providing additional floor space within the building may extend into a required side, front or rear yard setback no more than three feet (3'). Setbacks will be measured from the property line to the foundation of the structure. A minimum of ten feet (10') separation is required between adjacent building overhangs, canopies, etc. Paved, uncovered parking is generally allowed in setback areas, unless other restrictions provide to the contrary.
   E.   Interpretation Of District Boundaries:
      1.   Where uncertainty exists with respect to the boundaries of any zoning district as shown on the Official Zoning Map, the following shall apply:
         a.   Where zone boundaries are indicated as approximately following the centerline of street or highway right-of-way lines, streams, lakes or other bodies of water, the centerline shall be construed to be such boundary.
         b.   Where zone boundaries approximately follow lot lines, such lot lines shall be construed to be the boundaries.
         c.   Where zone boundaries are approximately parallel to the centerlines or streetlines of streets, or the centerlines or right-of-way lines of highways, such zone boundaries shall be construed as being parallel thereto and at such distance therefrom as indicated on the Official Zoning Map.
            (1)   If no distance is given, such dimensions shall be determined by the use of the scale shown on the Official Zoning Map. (Ord. 352, 4-25-2018)