Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms used in this chapter shall be as follows:
   APPLICANT: Any potential customer who applies for service from a utility and either has no previous service from that utility or has not had service with that utility within the most recent sixty (60) days.
   BUILDING WATER SYSTEM: All pipelines, conduits, fixtures and other facilities within a building and extending to such point as the city service line connects to the customer's water service connection.
   CITY: The city of Idaho City, Idaho.
   CUSTOMER: Any individual, firm, company, association, society, corporation or group owning real property who has applied for, been accepted and is currently connected to the water system for the benefit of that real property.
   DEPOSIT: Any payment held as security for future payment or performance that is reimbursable after the customer establishes good credit.
   FLOW: The volume of water being recorded through a water meter.
   GOOD CREDIT: Payment by a customer for the most recent twelve (12) consecutive month period of all undisputed bills due the City before the City's dispatch of personnel to the customer's premises as allowed by the rules to leave a twenty four (24) hour notice or to terminate service.
   HISTORIC PROPERTY: Any building, structure, area or site that has been identified and recognized by resolution of the Idaho City Council as qualifying for a reduced water and sewer rate due to the significance of such property in the history, archeology, or culture of Idaho City, the State of Idaho, or the United States of America.
   MULTIPLE BUILDING DEVELOPMENT: Includes the various types of development that would have common or joint ownership areas such as condominiums, townhouses, mobile home parks or courts, shopping centers, etc.
   OWNER: A person owning real estate which is, or proposes to be, connected to the water system.
   PERSON: Any individual, firm, company, association, society, corporation, or group.
   SERVICE CONNECTION: The point at which the building connects to the public water system.
   WATER SYSTEM: All pipes, conduits, water mains, pumps, structures, mechanical equipment and facilities for the treatment and distribution of water.
   WATERCOURSE: A channel in which a flow of water occurs, either continuously or intermittently. (Ord. 213, 9-11-1990, eff. 10-1-1990; amd. Ord. 330, 2-24-2010; Ord. 345, 12-28-2016)