The primary function of the General Government Department shall be to administer the city government, administer the finances and ensure administrative compliance with state law. Administration of the General Government Department shall be the responsibility of the City Administrative Officer, working under the supervision of the City Commissioner assigned to administer the General Government Department. Duties within this General Government include:
   (A)   Supervise non-elected city employees;
   (B)   Maintain City Office;
   (C)   Investment committee;
   (D)   Oversight and implementation of financial affairs;
   (E)   Taxation, including tax rate, billing and collection;
   (F)   Annual audit;
   (G)   Budget, including drafting, approval and compliance;
   (H)   Codification of ordinances; and
   (I)   City records, including record retention and open records compliance.
(Ord. 12-05, passed 9-25-12)