(a)    "Vicious animal" means any animal, reptile or fowl that without provocation meets one of the following:
      (1)    Has caused serious physical harm to or killed any person.
      (2)    Has caused serious physical harm to or killed a domestic animal.
   (b)    "Dangerous animal" means any animal, reptile or fowl that without provocation meets one of the following:
      (1)    Has chased or approached any person in either a menacing fashion or an apparent attitude of attack.
      (2)    Has caused or attempted to cause physical harm to any person.
      (3)    Belongs to a species which is commonly wild and because of its size, nature or other characteristics, would constitute a risk of danger to any person or property.
   (c)    "Dangerous or vicious animal" shall not include either of the following:
      (1)    A dog that has approached in a menacing fashion or attacked a person while that person was committing or attempting to commit a criminal trespass or other criminal act.
      (2)    A police dog while actually in the act of performing duties of assistance to one or more law enforcement officers.
   (d)    "Without provocation" means:
      (1)    That the animal was not teased, tormented or abused by the person.
      (2)    That the animal was not coming to the aid of its owner or other innocent person, in defense against a criminal act.
   (e)    "Menacing fashion" means that the animal, reptile or fowl would cause any person being chased or approached to reasonably believe that physical injury would be inflicted.
   (f)    "Police dog" means a dog that has been trained, and may be used to assist one or more officers in the performance of their duties. (Ord. 1988-17. Passed 5-23-88.)