Beginning in 2024, and similarly, every five (5) years thereafter, each member of City Council shall appoint one (1) citizen of the City of Huron in order to establish a Charter Review Commission of seven (7) qualified electors, which appointments shall occur no later than six ( 6) months prior to the date that any proposed amendments must be timely submitted to the Erie County Board of Elections for inclusion on the ballot for the next regular November election. The appointments of the seven (7) qualified electors shall be confirmed by Council, all of whom shall hold no other office or appointment within the City. To be a "qualified elector," such persons must reside in the City of Huron and be registered to vote at the time of such appointment to the Charter Review Commission. Said seven (7) qualified electors shall serve as a Charter Review Commission. The Charter Review Commission shall recommend to Council such alterations, revisions, and amendments to the Charter to be voted on at the next regular November election, and, thereafter, Council shall choose and have final approval as to none, some, or all such alterations, revisions, and amendments to the Charter to be voted on at the next regular November election (as determined by the sole direction of Council), which Council vote (if any) shall be consistent with the Charter and Ohio law. Each said Charter Review Commission shall cease to function on the day of the next November election following its appointment. Each member of the Charter Review Commission shall serve without compensation and shall not serve on consecutive Charter Review Commissions. Meeting of the Charter Review Commission shall be open to the public. (Adopted 11-7-23.)