In order to achieve the goals set forth in Section 1127.01, three (3) Mixed Use Districts are hereby established in accordance with procedures for a zoning amendment as set forth in Chapter 1139.03, Amendments. The boundaries of each Mixed Use District shall be indicated on the Official Zoning Map and shall be officially denoted as such.
(a) Riverfront District. This district is established to promote the development of walkable and dense commercial and residential structures, both horizontal and vertical, as not to adversely affect adjacent residential areas. The regulations within this chapter are devised to promote investment in locations where investment is otherwise impeded due to small lot sizes, inefficient shape of lots, shallow depth of the zoning district on the street frontage, the existing underutilized development, and to address development that exhibits functional obsolescence. Development in this area should provide facilities that create a safe, accessible, and pleasing environment for pedestrians and bicyclists. The Huron Riverfront District is intended to:
(1) Encourage development that serves the daily needs of the community, nearby residential areas, and visitors to the community;
(2) Emphasize entertainment based uses, such as restaurants, bars, taverns and other entertainment uses, both indoor and outdoor, that encourage activity and vitality;
(3) Provide small scale office, retail, specialty shops and other uses;
(4) Encourage development that exhibits the physical design characteristics of sidewalk-oriented, store-front style shopping and office space;
(5) Encourage development that offers multiple and complementary uses; and,
(6) Promote the health and well-being of residents by encouraging physical activity, alternative transportation, and greater social interaction.
(b) Civic District. The establishment of this overlay district is to create alternative provisions for land development regulations to those currently in place under the existing zoning district. The Civic district is intended to promote the development of walkable and dense commercial and civic spaces, and to address the existing underutilized development and development that exhibits functional obsolescence. This district is intended to:
(1) Promote a cohesive mix of uses, including civic and public space, commercial, service oriented, and other uses that have a direct relation with the intended development of this district;
(2) Establish a vibrant community center;
(3) Encourage street-level commercial uses;
(4) Ensure organized development to prevent adverse effects of disjointed development; and,
(5) Promote the health and well-being of residents by encouraging physical activity, alternative transportation, and greater social interaction.
(c) Granary District. This district is established to ensure a cohesive and vibrant mix of uses which are developed in conjunction with a broad development plan. This section is intended to:
(1) Promote a mix of uses, including commercial, entertainment, retail, night life, and residential space in a cohesive manner;
(2) Encourage development that serves a regional community as envisioned within the City's Master Plan;
(3) Provide a large-scale regional center of commerce;
(4) Ensure organized development of large tracts of land and uses to prevent adverse effects of disjointed development; and,
(5) Provide public access to the water front through greenspace, walking areas, and view sheds. (Ord. 2015-7. Passed 8-25-15.)