The city will capitalize city-owned machinery and equipment as follows:
   (A)   Machinery and equipment are items such as communications equipment, vehicles, and non-1icensed highway equipment. The machinery and equipment that will be capitalized are those items with individual known or estimated costs of $5,000 or greater. Attachments to machinery and equipment will be capitalized with a given item if the attachment is purchased at the same time as the equipment item. Attachments that are purchased separately from a given equipment item will be capitalized separately from an item if they are purchased at a time other than when the equipment item was purchased and have a cost of $5,000 or greater.
   (B)   The City Clerk-Treasurer's bookkeeper will be responsible for recording all capital machinery and equipment in accordance with the forgoing. The bookkeeper will also record donated machinery and equipment at market value at the time of the donation.
(Ord. 1-C-05, passed 2-22-05)