(A)   Off street parking shall not be allowed in the minimum building setback areas.
   (B)   A six (6) foot privacy fence shall be installed between the minimum building setback line and the off-street parking area. The only opening in the privacy fence shall be where the access points to the parking area are located, and when the fence abuts a portion of the building.
   (C)   Landscaping shall be provided between the property lines and the minimum building setback line. The landscaping shall consist of deciduous and non-deciduous trees, shrubbery, and ground cover.
   (D)   All lighting of the off-street parking area shall be directed towards the parking area and away from adjacent properties.
   (E)   Security cameras shall be installed for the off-street parking area, with monitor stations inside of the building.
(Ord. 19-C-99, passed 2-8-00)