There is established a uniform system for numbering all houses and buildings situated on all streets, avenues, alleys, and highways in the city. In establishing the system 100 numbers shall be allotted to each square, the initial number of each square being an even hundred. On all east and west streets, the figures indicating each successive hundred shall be the number of the street running immediately west of the initial number, all even numbers being on the north side of the street and all odd numbers being on the south side of the street. For all streets running north and south, Little River shall constitute the baseline from which all houses or buildings shall be numbered each way, allowing 100 numbers to each square in the same manner as above set forth. For the numbering of houses or buildings on the streets running north and south, the even numbers shall be placed on the west side of the street, and the odd numbers shall be placed on the east side of the street. For all houses or buildings on circular or diagonal streets or avenues, the plan for numbering shall follow the above plan as nearly as practicable. For all streets running east and west, Jefferson Street shall constitute the baseline from which all houses or buildings shall be numbered each way, allotting 100 numbers to each square in the same manner as above set forth.
('75 Code, § 52.1)