The charge for depositing recyclables at the city's recycling center located in proximity to the landfill shall be $2 per cubic yard, rounded to the nearest cubic yard, or 60¢ per 100 pounds, with a minimum charge of $2, excepting that:
   (A)   Recyclables from the city deposited by businesses or individuals who have been residents of the city for the immediately preceding 30 days shall be assessed at 0% of the foregoing charge. That reduction is appropriate and equitable because of other contributions to the recycling funding from the tax base of the city.
   (B)   Recyclables from the county deposited by businesses or individuals who have been residents within the county but outside of the corporate limits of the city for the immediately preceding 30 days shall be assessed at 50% of the foregoing charge. That reduction is appropriate and equitable because of other contributions to the recycling funding from the tax base of the county.
   (C)   The Board of Public Works and Safety is specifically given the authority to determine a fee schedule to charge for the expenses relating to the costs of recycling.
(Ord. 14-C-93, passed 9-14-93; Am. Ord. 15-C-96, passed 7-9-96)