(A)   All uniforms, clothing, arms, and equipment furnished by the city to the members of the Police and Fire Departments shall be and remain the property of the city.
   (B)   Whenever any property as above described is returned to the city by any member of the Police or Fire Department, the Chief of the Department to which the property is returned shall take possession of the personal property and hold it for the benefit of the city.
   (C)   Whenever the personal property is of a value of less than $100, the Chief of the Department who is in possession of the property shall cause each article of property to be appraised by two disinterested freeholders of the city. The appraisement shall be in writing and signed by the appraisers.
   (D)   The Chief of the Department having charge of the personal property shall file one copy of the appraisement with the Clerk- Treasurer of the city and post another copy in a conspicuous place in the Department.
   (E)   The Chief of the Department having charge of the personal property shall then sell at private sale, without notice, the appraised property in his custody, for not less than the full appraised value thereof, and pay the money received for the same into the hands of the City Clerk-Treasurer. The funds received from the sale shall be paid into the General Fund of the city.
   (F)   Whenever a new employee joins one of the Departments, he may select from the uniforms, clothing, and equipment on hand, if any, which are not already in use those articles thereof as will be suitable for his use, the same to be provided by the city without a charge being made therefor. The Chief of the Department shall report the selections made by the new employee to the City Clerk- Treasurer.
('75 Code, § 23.4)