(A)   The Police and Fire Departments shall be subject to those rules and regulations as may be from time to time promulgated by the Board of Public Works and Safety.
   (B)   Should any member of the Police or Fire Department at any time be guilty of any violation of law, neglect of duty, or immoral conduct, then the Board of Public Works and Safety shall consider the matter after reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard by that member and shall determine whether the act or omission is injurious to the public peace and welfare and determine whether he or she is guilty of conduct unbecoming an officer. Such conduct shall be considered by the Board of Public Works and Safety as just cause for dismissal, or the Board may cause one demerit mark to be placed against the officer. Three demerit marks, when placed against an officer or member within any 12-month period shall be considered just cause for dismissal of the officer by the Board of Public Works and Safety.
('75 Code, § 23.3)