(A)   The owner, occupant, or representative of a structure inside which in excess of 100 motor vehicle tires are, or are expected to be, stored shall annually submit to the Fire Marshal the following information:
      (1)   Name and address of the business location;
      (2)   Name, date of birth, and social security or other federal tax identification number of the entity responsible for the tires; and
      (3)   Maximum number of tires stored or to be stored at the location.
   (B)   A duplicate copy of that submitted information, bearing an original filestamp of the Clerk-Treasurer shall be kept available at the location and produced for examination upon request of the Fire Marshal or the Fire Marshal's written designee. Failure to obtain, and inability to display, a permit issued within one calendar year for a location which has in excess of 100 tires shall be a violation of this code.
(Ord. 12-C-00, passed 8-29-00)