(A)   The head of each department of the city government shall be personally responsible for supplies, tools, and other personal property of the city which may have heretofore or may be hereafter entrusted to him for use in his department.
   (B)   For the better protection of the personal property entrusted to each department of the city government, each department head is directed to provide a place where supplies, tools, and other personal property of his department may be safely kept under lock and key, when possible, which key shall be in the hands of each department head.
   (C)   On December 31 of each year, the head of each department having personal property of the value of $200 or more on hand, shall take an inventory of the supplies, tools and other personal property on hand in their department, and shall file with the City Clerk-Treasurer an itemized statement of the inventory before the next regular meeting of the Common Council. The itemized statements shall also contain a statement showing what articles, if any, have been lost or stolen since the last inventory was made, and an explanation therefore.
   (D)   The head of each department shall, as soon as he is informed of any loss or theft of property in his department, give this information to the Chief of Police, who shall take immediate steps to recover the property and arrest the person taking the same, and the arrested person shall be prosecuted at once.
   (E)   The Clerk-Treasurer shall keep inventories on file for Common Council. If found unsatisfactory, the Council may require the department head to appear before it to make an explanation of the inventory filed, and may then either approve or disapprove the same, and if the inventory is disapproved, may pass a resolution, recommending that the Mayor dismiss the department head named in the resolution for official negligence.
('75 Code, § 23.50) (Ord. 9-C-98, passed 5-12-98)