§ 91.021 TETHERING.
   (A)   Minimum requirements. The owner or her agent shall ensure any animal is tethered in accordance with the following:
      (1)   Each animal shall have unrestricted access to a proper and adequate structure so the animal can get out of elements while tethered;
      (2)   Each animal shall have convenient access to clean food and water to while tethered;
      (3)   Each tether shall be free from entanglement;
      (4)   Each tether shall be at least five times the body length of the animal, measured from the animal’s nose to the back of the hindquarters or shall be at least ten feet in length, whichever is longer;
      (5)   Tethered animals must wear a properly fitted leather or nylon collar or harness which does not employ a choker mechanism; however, the proper use of choker collars in the training of animals is permitted; and
      (6)   The tethering device shall be attached to the animal’s collar or harness, and shall have a swivel device on the anchor and collar end to prevent tangling of the animal.
   (B)   Prohibited Tethering. An owner or her agent shall not tether:
      (1)   An animal by any rope, chain, cord, or other tying device directly attached to the animal’s neck;
      (2)   An animal tethered by a rope, chain, cord, or other tying device which exceeds one-eighth (1/8) of the animal’s body weight;
      (3)   An animal in a manner that allows the animal to leave the person’s property while tethered;
      (4)   An animal within close proximity of a fence or other obstacle such that the animal could hang itself;
      (5)   A dog under six months of age;
      (6)   More than two dogs simultaneously at the same location;
      (7)   More than one dog in a manner that permits physical contact between the tethered dogs; or
      (8)   An unsterilized dog for any period of time.
   (C)   In the interest of public safety and without regard to whether the animal is otherwise tethered in accordance with this section, the police, humane officers, and animal control officers are authorized to remove and impound aggressive animals and vicious dogs where the animal is accessible by the public without an additional physical barrier such as a secure fence or enclosure restraining the tethered animal.
(Ord. 7-C-18, passed 3-27-18)