§ 36.03 USES OF FUND.
   The funds held in the Law Enforcement Aid Fund shall be used solely for the following purposes:
   (A)   Purchase of illegal contraband or controlled substances deemed reasonably necessary for the apprehension and conviction of persons engaged in criminal activity;
   (B)   Payment of informants for making controlled buys of illegal drugs or illegal contraband, or for information or evidence, deemed reasonably necessary for the ap-prehension and conviction of persons engaged in criminal activity;
   (C)   Payment of rewards for information or evidence leading to the apprehension and conviction of persons engaged in criminal activity; or
   (D)   Purchase of police equipment necessary or useful for the surveillance or investigation of criminal activity.
(`90 Code, § 2.44.030) (Ord. 89-34, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 2018-10, passed 4-10-2018)