For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BASE MONTHLY CONSUMPTION. The customer's average billing month usage based upon the three-month period in the prior 12 months which corresponds to the billing month being curtailed and the immediately preceding and succeeding months. Adjustments may be made for customers with changed circumstances that have caused the prior year's usage during the period to be nonrepresentative of current usage during the period.
   COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS. Customers engaged primarily in wholesale or retail trade and services including clubs, institutions and local, state and federal governmental agencies, except educational institutions.
      (1)   The following and similar types of uses of electric energy shall be considered dispensable uses:
         (a)   Outdoor flood and advertising lighting except for the minimum level necessary to protect life and property and a single illuminated sign identifying commercial facilities that are open after dark;
         (b)   General lighting levels in stores and offices greater than minimum functional levels;
         (c)   Show window and display lighting;
         (d)   Greater number of elevators operating in office buildings during non-peak hours than is necessary;
         (e)   Parking lot lighting above minimum functional levels;
         (f)   Energy use greater than that necessary to maintain a temperature of no less than 78°F during operation of cooling equipment and no more than 65°F during operation of heating equipment;
         (g)   Greater than minimum work schedules, as for building cleaning and maintenance, restocking and the like, which would require office or industrial facilities to be illuminated, cooled or heated beyond normal working hours;
         (h)   Nighttime sports and recreational activities; and
         (i)   Public museums, art galleries, and historic buildings requiring illumination, cooling or heating.
      (2)   Any dispensable use shall be provided the minimum amount of electricity to protect and maintain the dispensable use facilities.
   HUMAN NEEDS CUSTOMERS. Hospitals, medical centers, nursing homes and customers where curtailment would adversely affect public health and safety such as municipal fire departments, police departments, civil defense, emergency Red Cross services and any other facility whose use of electric energy is vital to public health and safety as determined by the utility.
   INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS. Customers who are engaged primarily in a process that creates or changes raw or unfinished materials into another form or product.
   LIVING QUARTERS. As used in Service Priority Class II, hotels, motels, dormitories and similar dwelling places.
   RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS. Customers living in residential dwellings, mobile homes, apartments or condominiums.
   SERVICE OBLIGATION. The largest metered demand (peak demand for customers served on industrial and commercial rates) in the previous 12 months. If no demand information is available, an estimate will be used determined by dividing the KWH in the maximum usage month in the previous 12 months by 200 hours.
(`90 Code, § 13.09.090) (Ord. 78-7, passed - -)