(A)   Term. The term of office for the members shall be two years. Current members will be eligible to serve successive terms. One inaugural member chosen by the City Council and one inaugural member chosen by the Mayor will serve on the Tree Board for one year. This will be done to create a staggered membership and ensure that the Tree Board will always have members who have experience and are knowledgeable of current issues and activities.
   (B)   Removal. The City Council has the authority to remove any member appointed by the Council at any time for any reason deemed sufficient. The Mayor has the authority to remove any member appointed by the Mayor at any time for any reason deemed sufficient.
   (C)   Vacancies. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment for the remainder of the term.
   (D)   Compensation. Members of the Tree Board shall serve without compensation.
(Ord. 2013-10, passed 2-28-2013)