(A)   The preliminary plat shall be drawn to a scale of one inch to 100 feet.
   (B)   The preliminary plat shall be plainly marked “Preliminary Plat,” and shall include, show, or be accompanied by the following information:
      (1)   A location map, showing the subdivision name, an outline of the area to be subdivided, the existing streets and town utilities on adjoining property, and the north point and scale;
      (2)   The proposed name of the subdivision, which must not be so similar to that of an existing subdivision as to cause confusion;
      (3)   The names and addresses of the owner and subdivider, and the engineer, surveyor, or landscape architect responsible for the survey or design;
      (4)   The legal description of the area being platted;
      (5)   The boundary line (accurate in scale) dimensions and location of the property to be platted, and the location of monuments found or set, section lines, and contours with the intervals of five feet or less, and the approximate acreage of the property to be platted;
      (6)   A date, scale, and north point, and a key map showing the general location of the proposed subdivision in relation to surrounding developments;
      (7)   Location of property lines and the width and location of platted streets or alleys within or adjacent to the property; physical features of the property, including location of water courses, ravines, bridges, culverts, present structures, and other features affecting the subdivision; and the location of all existing utilities with their sizes indicated. The outline of wooded areas or the location of important individual trees may be required;
      (8)   The layout or location, numbers or names, and approximate dimensions or widths of all proposed lots, of all building setback lines and easements, and of all streets, alleys, and grounds proposed to be dedicated for public use;
      (9)   The location and width of proposed streets, roads, lots, alleys, sanitary and storm sewers, water mains, and other features and improvements required by this chapter and their relation to streets and alleys in adjacent subdivisions. If there are no adjacent subdivisions, then the key map shall show the location and distance to the nearest subdivision and how the streets, alleys, or highways in the subdivision offered for approval may connect with those in the nearest subdivision;
      (10)   The existing zoning classification and proposed uses of land within the proposed subdivision shall also be designated; and
      (11)   Written and signed statements explaining how and when the subdivider proposes to provide and install all required sewers or other disposal of sanitary wastes, pavement, sidewalks, drainage structures, and other required improvements.
(Prior Code, § 151.040)