§ 31.03 CITY CLERK.
   (A)   The City Clerk shall have the custody of all laws and ordinances and shall keep a correct journal of the proceedings of the City Council. After the period of time specified by the State Records Administrator pursuant to the Records Management Act, being Neb. RS 84-1201 et seq., the Clerk may transfer the journal of the proceedings of the City Council to the State Archives of the State Historical Society for permanent preservation. The Clerk shall also perform such other duties as may be required by the ordinances of the city.
   (B)   (1)   It shall be the duty of the Clerk to prepare and publish the official proceedings of the City Council within 30 days after any meeting of the Council. The publication shall be in a newspaper of general circulation in the city, shall set forth a statement of the proceedings of the meeting, and shall also include the amount of each claim allowed, the purpose of the claim, and the name of the claimant, except that the aggregate amount of all payroll claims may be included as one item. Between July 15 and August 15 of each year, the employee job titles and the current annual, monthly, or hourly salaries corresponding to such job titles shall be published. Each job title published shall be descriptive and indicative of the duties and functions of the position. The charge for the publication shall not exceed the rates provided for in Neb. RS 23-122.
      (2)   Publication under division (B)(1) above shall be made in one legal newspaper of general circulation in the city. If no legal newspaper is published in the city, then the publication shall be made in one legal newspaper published or of general circulation within the county in which the city is located. The cost of publication shall be paid out of the General Funds of the city.
   (C)   The Clerk shall dispose of or destroy city public records when the records have been determined to be of no further legal, administrative, fiscal, or historical value by the State Records Administrator pursuant to Neb. RS 84-1201 through 84-1220, provided the provisions of this division (C) shall not apply to the minutes of the Clerk and the permanent ordinance and resolution books, or any other record classified as permanent by the State Records Administrator.
   (D)   (1)   The Clerk shall permit any person to examine and copy the public records in the Clerk’s custody, and may charge a fee for providing copies of a public record, as provided in Neb. RS 84-712 through 84-712.09.
      (2)   The Clerk may charge a reasonable fee for certified copies of any record in his or her office as set by resolution of the Board of Trustees.
   (E)   The Clerk shall permit no records, public papers, or other documents of the city kept and preserved in his or her office to be taken therefrom, except by such officers of the city as may be entitled to the use of the same, but only upon their leaving a receipt therefor, and except pursuant to Neb. RS 84-712(2). He or she shall keep all the records of his or her office, including a record of all licenses issued by him or her, in a blank book with a proper index. He or she shall include as part of his or her records all petitions under which the City Council shall order public work to be done at the expense of the property fronting thereon, together with references to all resolutions and ordinances relating to the same. He or she shall endorse the date and hour of filing upon every paper or document so filed in his or her office. All such filings made by him or her shall be properly docketed. Included in his or her records shall be all standard codes, amendments thereto, and other documents incorporated by reference and arranged in triplicate in a manner convenient for reference. He or she shall keep an accurate and complete account of the appropriation of the several funds and draw, sign, and attest all warrants ordered for the payment of money on the particular fund from which the same is payable. At the end of each month, he or she shall then make a report of the amounts appropriated to the various funds and the amount of the warrants drawn thereon.
   (F)   The Clerk shall deliver all warrants, ordinances, and resolutions under his or her charge to the Mayor for his or her signature. He or she shall also deliver to officers, employees, and committees all resolutions and communications which are directed at such officers, employees, or committees. With the seal of the city, he or she shall duly attest the Mayor’s signature to all ordinances, deeds, and papers required to be attested to when ordered to do so by the City Council.
   (G)   The Clerk shall issue and sign all licenses, permits, and occupation tax receipts authorized by law and required by the city ordinances. He or she shall collect all occupation taxes and license money, except where some other city officer is specifically charged with that duty. He or she shall keep a register of all licenses granted in the city and the purpose for which they have been issued.
   (H)   The Clerk shall keep in a book with a proper index, copies of all notices required to be published or posted by the Clerk by order of the City Council or under the ordinances of the city. To each of the file copies of the notices shall be attached the printer’s affidavit of publication, if the notices are required to be published, or the Clerk’s certificate under seal where the same are required to be posted only.
   (I)   The Clerk shall receive all objections to creation of paving districts and other street improvements. He or she shall receive the claims of any person against the city, and in the event that the claim is disallowed in part or in whole, the Clerk shall notify the claimant or his or her agent or attorney by letter within five days after the disallowance, and the Clerk shall then prepare transcripts on appeals of any disallowance of a claim in all proper cases.
(Prior Code, § 31.03) (Ord. 407, passed 10-18-1977; Ord. 624, passed 2-18-2014)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 17-605, 18-1701, 19-1102, and 19-1103