(a)   The city, by the power vested in it by Article 12, Section 5 of the Kansas Constitution hereby elects to and does exempt itself and make inapplicable to it the provisions of K.S.A. 14-103, K.S.A. 14-201 and K.S.A. 14-204, that apply to this city, but are parts of enactments which do not apply uniformly to all cities, to the extent that such are in conflict herewith.
   (b)   The Governing Body shall consist of a Mayor and eight Council members to be elected to terms as set forth herein. The Mayor and Council members shall be residents and qualified electors of the city.
   (c)   Those Governing Body positions with terms expiring in April 2017, shall expire on the second Monday in January of 2018, when the city officials elected in the November 2017 general election take office. Those Governing Body positions with terms expiring in April 2019, shall expire on the second Monday in January of 2020, when the city officials elected in the November 2019 general election take office.
   (d)   A general election of city officers shall take place on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday in November 2017. Succeeding general elections will be held every two years for all such Governing Body positions whose terms have expired. Two Council members from each ward shall be elected at one election, and the other two Council members from each ward shall be elected at the succeeding election. The Council members shall have four-year terms. The Mayor shall have a two-year term.
(Charter Ord. 23, passed 9-12-2016)