§ 50.04 PAYMENT.
   Statements for total water, sewer and garbage or refuse charges for the preceding period shall be mailed by the City Clerk-Treasurer or designee to each customer at regular intervals as established by City Council resolution. The amount listed on the statement shall be due on or before a date prescribed by City Council resolution, as set forth on the statement. If payment is not made by that date, there shall be added to the amount due a penalty in an amount as established by City Council resolution. Further, the City Council may establish, by resolution, a prepayment discount. All payments for water, sewer or garbage or refuse shall be applied first to delinquent payments, if any, and thereafter to current billings. Except where the customer specifically provides otherwise, all payments shall be applied to that portion of the customer’s utility charge as determined by the City Clerk-Treasurer or designee.
(Ord. 193, passed 4-26-2011)