(A)   Purpose. The R-2 Single-Family Residential District is intended to provide a district which will allow residential development in those areas where the development complies with the comprehensive plan and policies.
   (B)   Permitted uses. Within the R-2 District, no structure or land shall be used except for one or more of the following uses:
      (1)   Single-family detached dwellings; and
      (2)   Public parks and playgrounds.
   (C)   Conditional uses. Within any R-2 Single-Family Use District, no structure or land shall be used for the following uses unless a conditional use permit is approved:
      (1)   Two-family dwellings, provided that public sanitary sewer and water service is available and used therefore and provided that the lot has a minimum width of 100 feet and an area of 12,000 square feet;
      (2)   Cemeteries, provided the site does not include more than 40 acres and is so designed as to provide the necessary rights-of-way to accommodate the major thoroughfare and collector system;
      (3)   Churches including those related structures located on the same site which are an integral part of the church proper;
      (4)   Public buildings and utility structures subject to the following:
         (a)   Water pump houses, iron removal structures and sanitary lift stations which if not located below grade on a landscaped lot shall be in a building which conforms to yard requirements and architectural style of the neighborhood;
         (b)   Gas regulator stations, electric power regulator stations and telephone regulator stations which are not located below grade on a landscaped lot shall be a building which conforms to yard and architectural style of the neighborhood. Should the structure require fencing, the fence shall conform to all yard requirements;
         (c)   Water towers shall be in conformance with all yard requirements;
         (d)   Electric power transmission lines and transmission pipe lines shall be so located as to share the public street right-of-way or be abutting right-of-way for railroad and avoid diagonal divisions of land;
         (e)   Park buildings;
         (f)   Day nursery, provided play space of 60 square feet per child is provided within a fenced area other than front yard; and
         (g)   The storage outside of a building of more than two of the following: building for winter ice fishing; mobile camp trailer; camper; utility tractor; boat over 16 feet; racer; provided the above named are owned by the resident.
      (5)   Kennels; and
      (6)   Public or parochial schools, which having a curriculum equivalent to a public elementary school or a public high school.
   (D)   Permitted accessory uses. Within any R-2 District, the following uses shall be permitted accessory uses: accessory uses as permitted and regulated in § 152.087(D).
   (E)   Lot area, height, lot widths and yard requirements.
      (1)   No structure shall exceed two stories or 25 feet whichever is least, in height except as otherwise regulated by this chapter.
      (2)   A side yard abutting a public right-of-way (street) shall not be less than 18 feet in width.
      (3)   The following minimum requirements shall be observed subject to additional requirements, exceptions and modifications set forth in other sections of this chapter.
Front yard depth
53 feet from centerline of right-of-way
Minimum habitable ground floor area
864 feet
Minimum lot area
10,800 square feet
Minimum lot width
85 feet
Rear yard depth
35 feet
Side yard depth
6 feet
(Ord. 110, passed 4-23-1991)