No person shall commit an offense with regard to intoxication, vagrancy and the like, by violation of any of the following sections of Minnesota Statutes, as they may be amended from time to time:
   (A)   M.S. § 340A.502, (intoxication);
   (B)   M.S. § 609.74, (vagrancy);
   (C)   M.S. § 609.74, (public nuisance);
   (D)   M.S. § 609.68, (unlawful deposit of garbage or litter);
   (E)   M.S. § 609.595, (damage to property);
   (F)   M.S. § 609.605, (trespass and other acts);
   (G)   M.S. § 609.605, (trespass and other acts);
   (H)   M.S. § 609.52, (constituting theft);
   (I)   M.S. § 609.27, (threats and coercion); and
   (J)   M.S. § 340A.503, (minors, forbidden acts or statements).
(Ord. 45, passed 10-14-1969)