(a)   Howell Opera House Historic District. The Howell Opera House Historic District is designated May 20, 2013. The boundaries of the Howell Opera House Historic District are shown on a map on file in the office of the City Clerk. The district is comprised of the following described parcel:
      (1)   Section 36, Township 3 North, Range 4 East, Howell City, Crane and Brooks Addition beginning at Northwest corner of Lot 55, thence East 45.5 feet, South 60 feet, East 6 inches, South 72 feet, West 46 feet, North 132 feet to begin excepting south 10 feet for alley.
      (2)   Tax ID# 4717-36-307-010.
      (3)   Commonly known as 123 W. Grand River Avenue.
(Ord. 874. Passed 5-20-13.)