(a)   The City Council may establish by ordinance a commission to be called a Historic District Commission. The Commission may be established at any time, but not later than the time the first historic district is established. Each member of the Commission shall reside within the City limits. The Commission shall consist of five to seven members. Members shall be appointed by the City Council. A majority of the members shall have a clearly demonstrated interest in or knowledge of historic preservation. Members shall be appointed for a term of three years, except the initial appointments of three members for a term of two years and two members for a term of one year. Subsequent appointments shall be for three-year terms. Members shall be eligible for reappointment. In the event of a vacancy on the Commission, interim appointments shall be made by the City Council within sixty calendar days to complete the unexpired term of such position. Two members shall be appointed from a list submitted by duly organized local historic preservation organizations. If such a person is available for appointment, one member shall be an architect who has two years of architectural experience or who is duly registered in the State of Michigan.
   (b)   The City Council may prescribe powers and duties of the Commission, in addition to those prescribed in this chapter, that foster historic preservation activities, projects, and programs in the local unit.
(Ord. 874. Passed 5-20-13.)