(a)   The Fire Chief of the City or his or her designee shall be responsible for establishing fire lanes on both public and private property. The following criteria shall be used in determining the necessity of fire lanes:
      (1)   The lack of access to the building from public streets; and
      (2)   The lack of traffic lanes to and around areas capable of handling fire vehicles.
   (b)   Fire lanes shall be established by the Fire Chief or his or her designee, as deemed necessary, at the following locations. This list shall not be deemed to be all-inclusive, but is only a guide to establishment, where fire lanes are necessary.
      (1)   Schools, colleges, universities and their dormitories;
      (2)   Places of public assemblage;
      (3)   Hospitals, nursing homes and homes for the aged;
      (4)   Government utilized buildings;
      (5)   Child and adult foster care facilities larger than 3,000 square feet;
      (6)   Bulk plants for storage of hazardous materials;
      (7)   Apartments and condominiums possessing three units or more;
      (8)   Shopping centers; and
      (9)   Hotels and motels.
   (c)   Fire lanes shall be established whenever the Fire Chief or his or her designee deems them to be necessary for the safety of occupants and property on the aforementioned areas, or, when petitioned by a landowner, they may be established in accordance with the above criteria. The Fire Chief or his or her designee shall notify the landowner of any property whereon fire lanes are established, by mailing notice of the same to the address of the owner by certified mail. This section shall apply to existing facilities, to remodeling and modification of existing facilities and to new construction. Site plans of such facilities shall include proposed lanes, and final approval will be based on the adequacy of such lanes.
(Ord. 395. Passed 2-25-80.)