Pursuant to Section 6.5 of the City Charter and Sections 8 and 8a of the State Construction Code Act (Act 230 of the Public Acts of 1972 (MCL 125.1501 et seq.)), as amended, the State Construction Code is hereby adopted by reference as if the same were fully set forth herein. The State Construction Code, as hereinafter known, is more specifically set forth in R 408.30401 to 408.30499 of the Michigan Administrative Code adopting by reference the International Building Code, 2009 edition and the International Residential Code, 2009 edition both as published by the International Code Council, Inc. Any and all amendments which are hereinafter made to the State Construction Code, pursuant to Sections 8 and 8a of Act 230 referenced herein, shall amend, by reference, this chapter as of the effective date of the amendment of the State Construction Code.
(Ord. 702. Passed 1-17-2000; Ord. 765. Passed 10-25-04; Ord. 887. Passed 6-23-14.)