• Section 4.05 District Regulation Exceptions.
   The following exceptions shall apply:
   (a)   Height of Buildings and Structures. The height limitations of this Zoning Ordinance do not apply to farm buildings, chimneys, church spires, flagpoles, public monuments, or water towers.
   (b)   Area of Lots Adjoining Alleys. In calculating the area of a lot that adjoins an alley or lane, for the purpose of applying the lot area requirements of this Zoning Ordinance, one-half (½) the width of such alley abutting the lot shall be considered part of the lot.
   (c)   Yard Regulations. When yard regulations cannot reasonably be complied with, as in the case of a planned unit development in a multiple family district, or where their application cannot be determined because of lots of peculiar shape or topography or because of architectural or site arrangement, such regulations may be modified or determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
   (d)   Porches and Porticos. An unenclosed porch or portico may project into a front yard for a distance not exceeding ten (10) feet. However, when attached to a residential structure that is older than fifty (50) years (historic), the Planning Commission may consider an increased front yard encroachment as a special land use. In review of the special land use, the Commission shall consider the standards set forth in Section 3.03 and the following:
      (1)   Verification that the unenclosed porch or portico is not located above the elevation of the first floor of the residence.
      (2)   The age and style of the house.
      (3)   The compatibility of the unenclosed porch or portico with the subject house and the adjacent homes.
      (4)   The front yard setback of the adjacent houses.
      (5)   The potential impacts on vehicular and pedestrian visibility and access.
      (6)   The Secretary of Interior's Standards for Historic Preservation.
   (e)   Projection into Yards. An architectural feature, such as a chimney, bow window not including a vertical projection, or a window well accessing a basement, may extend or project into a required side or rear yard not more than two (2) feet.
   (f)   Common Property Lines. When two or more adjacent parcels are developed through an integrated site plan, setbacks along the common property lines shall not apply. The Planning Commission may require easements to assure shared parking and traffic flow between the adjacent parcels.