Local Development Finance Authority
EDITOR’S NOTE: Resolution 98-12, passed April 13, 1998, approved Bylaws governing the activities of the Local Development Finance Authority and the Board of Directors. Resolution 98-14, passed May 11, 1998, approved a Development Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plan prepared and recommended by the Authority. Copies of these resolutions and of the Bylaws and Plan may be obtained, at cost, from the City Clerk.
898.01   Determination of necessity; purpose.
898.02   Definitions.
898.03   Creation of authority.
898.04   Termination.
898.05   Description of authority district.
898.06   Board of directors.
898.07   Powers.
898.08   Fiscal year; adoption of budget.
898.09   Publication, recording and filing.
   Taxation - see CHTR. Ch. 12
   Special assessments - see CHTR. Ch. 14; B.R. & T. Ch. 892
   Real estate tax - see B.R. & T. Ch. 894
   Tax Increment Finance Authority - see B.R. & T. Ch. 896
   Brownfield Redevelopment Authority - see B.R. & T. Ch. 899
   The City Council hereby determines that it is necessary for the best interests of the public to create a public body corporate which shall operate to eliminate the causes of unemployment, underemployment and joblessness and to promote economic growth in the City, pursuant to Act 281.
(Res. 98-07. Passed 3-30-98.)