When a special assessment roll is reported and returned by the City Assessor to Council, the same shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk and numbered. Before confirming a special assessment roll, Council shall give notice to all persons interested by publishing, in a newspaper published and circulated in the City, once in each week for two weeks in succession, a notice stating the lots, premises and parcels of land assessed, the names of the persons, if known, who are the owners thereof, the purpose of the assessment and the amount thereof. Such notice shall also state the time and place at which Council shall meet for the purpose of reviewing the assessment roll and hearing any person so assessed who considers himself or herself aggrieved thereby. At least ten days prior to the date of the hearing by Council, the Clerk shall notify the owners of the lots, premises and parcels of land assessed, by first class mail, so far as the same are known and as shown on the tax rolls of the City. A person objecting to his or her assessment may file his or her objections thereto in writing with the Clerk.
(Ord. 209. Passed 12-10-62.)