A person authorized to enforce this chapter, or any authorized inspector from any department of the City whose approval must first be obtained before a license is issued under this chapter, is hereby authorized to inspect the premises and any and all vehicles and equipment, licensed or governed by this chapter, at any reasonable hour of the day or night for the purpose of enforcing this chapter or determining that any and all provisions of ordinances, codes, rules and regulations of the City pertinent thereto are being complied with. No person shall prevent or attempt to prevent anyone so authorized from making an inspection provided in this section or interfere with or attempt to interfere with such an inspection.
(Ord. 231. Passed 12-6-65; Ord. 748. Passed 10-20-03; Ord. 796. Passed 3-26-07.)
No license provided for in this chapter shall be issued by the City Clerk or his or her authorized representative until the Chief of Police has made a complete search of the criminal record, if any, and as allowed by law of the licensee and has filed with the City Clerk in writing, the findings of such search, accompanied by his or her written approval or disapproval of the application of the licensee, based upon the findings of such search. No such license shall be issued if, in the opinion of the Chief, the applicant for such license is not a fit person to conduct business in the City. If such application is not approved by the Chief, the application shall be denied and the reasons shall be submitted in writing to the City Clerk by the Chief.
(Ord. 748. Passed 10-20-03; Ord. 796. Passed 3-26-07.)
No license fee shall be charged to a person, or for any vehicle which he or she operates, who proposes to sell produce raised by him or her; to a mechanic selling articles made by him or her; or to a person operating as a street vendor for a charitable purpose who has been honorably discharged as a war veteran from the Armed Forces of the United States. At the time that any such person or mechanic claims such an exemption from a license fee, such person or mechanic shall swear by affidavit, setting up facts which entitle him or her to such exemption, and such affidavit shall be filed with the City Clerk along with the application for the license.
(Ord. 748. Passed 10-20-03; Ord. 796. Passed 3-26-07.)