Offenses Relating to Persons
656.01   Minor's curfew.
656.02   Definitions.
656.03   Selling, giving, or furnishing tobacco products, alternative nicotine product or vapor product to minor prohibited; misdemeanor; penalty; sign required, copies of sign; affirmative defense; notice; rebuttal testimony; notice of rebuttal; exception.
656.04   Noninterference with right of parent or guardian.
656.99   Penalty.
656.99A   Prohibited conduct by minor; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; participation in health promotion and risk reduction assessment program; costs; community service; exceptions; other violations.
656.99B   Selling cigarette separately prohibited; exception; violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
   Malicious destruction of property by minors - see M.C.L. Sec. 600.2913
   Playing games in streets - see GEN. OFF. 622.08 
   False alarms - see GEN. OFF. 658.02 
   Disorderly conduct - see GEN. OFF. 662.01