The City hereby adopts an affirmative action plan. In adopting such plan, the City commits itself to the principles of equal employment opportunity in all phases of its employment practices and procedures. It is the intent of the City, in adopting this plan, to ensure that the equal employment opportunity policies and concepts are adopted as official City policy and are translated into operational realities.
   Equal employment opportunity is the right of all people to work and advance on the basis of true merit, ability and potential without reference to race, color, age, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, height, weight or marital status. In addition to being a moral commitment, equal opportunity recognizes the full utilization of human resources as a necessary principle. The City has an obligation which extends to all segments of the community to ensure that these principles of equal opportunity and greater utilization of human resources and potential are fairly and equitably applied.
(Res. Unno. Passed 1-12-81.)