(A)   Scope. This policy applies to, and only to, Howard County’s public property database website that (a) is available to the general public over the Internet; (b) does not require registration, subscription or the creation of a user name and password to search the website; and (c) connects a covered person’s home address to the covered person’s name, so that search of the website for the covered person’s name discloses the covered person’s address.
   (B)   Persons covered. This policy applies to the following “covered persons,” as more particularly defined in I.C. 36-1-8.5-3, 4, and 4.5, which definitions are incorporated herein by reference:
      (1)   A judge;
      (2)   A law enforcement officer;
      (3)   A victim of domestic violence; or
      (4)   A public official.
   (C)   Responsible department. The Howard County Auditor’s Office shall have the responsibility for receiving and processing requests for restricted addresses made by covered persons.
   (D)   Application for restricted addresses.
      (1)   By an individual. An individual covered person desiring to restrict his/her address shall complete and file with the Howard County Auditor the Application for Restricted Access form attached to the ordinance codified herein as Exhibit A. The Auditor will verify (with applicable agencies, if necessary) that the submission is valid and the applicant is a “covered person”. Victims of domestic violence must submit proof of program participation in the Indiana Attorney General’s address confidentiality program. If an application is denied by the Auditor, the applicant may appeal in writing to the Board of Commissioners.
      (2)   By a cooperative agency. The Kokomo Police Department, Howard County Sheriff’s Department, Prosecutor’s Office or similar agency (a “cooperative agency”) may agree to provide the Auditor’s Office an annual bulk request including all current covered persons within the department or agency. This list shall also include those individuals who have moved from their primary residence or are otherwise no longer a “covered person”. This list shall remain confidential pursuant to I.C. 36-1-8.5-11.
      (3)   Post application requirements. Should any changes to the title of a covered parcel occur, the Auditor will remove that parcel from the restricted address list and a new request must be made by a covered person to again include that parcel in the restricted list. If a covered person transfers title to or moves from a covered parcel, it is his/her responsibility to file a new application for a new covered parcel. This policy is in effect for requestor’s primary residence only per I.C. 36-1-8.5-7. If the requestor owns or is involved in additional properties that utilize the primary home address as the mailing address, they will be displayed, if the applicant wishes to have those addresses removed as well, a new application is required for each.
   (E)   Required system changes. To further implement restricted addresses, the following changes will be made to the appropriate Howard County information systems or third party systems managed by Howard County:
      (1)   GIS. The search results for GIS will reflect the changes made to the MVP Database for those records marked as “Confidential”. These records will display “Information withheld in accordance with I.C. 36-1-8.5-4" in place of the name information. It is the intention of Howard County to comply with the intent of the code to not make the property accessible by means of removing the link between name and parcel information.
      (2)   Schneider beacon portal. Once the option to suppress has been enabled for a specific parcel, it will not be returned in search results or display on the map.
   (F)   Confidentiality. All applications made to Howard County by a covered person are confidential records and not subject to public access.
   (G)   Immunity. Howard County may not be held liable for failure to timely restrict disclosure of an address under this chapter unless its act or omission constitutes gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct.
   (H)   Application fees.
      (1)   Exclusion. Victims of domestic violence will be excluded from fees imposed under this section.
      (2)   Initial request. A fee of $15 per parcel will be assessed for both bulk and individual requests.
      (3)   Additional requests: A $15 per parcel fee will be assessed for any changes to the title of the parcel or relocation of the covered person.
      (4)   Deposits. All fees collected will be deposited to the County General Fund.
   (I)   Amendment. Howard County reserves the right to amend or revise the contents of this policy as deemed suitable. The revised policy will be available on the County website.
(Ord. 2015-BCCO-18, passed 7-6-15)