(A)   Advance payment of claims.
      (1)   Pursuant to I.C. 36-2-6-4.5, the Auditor may make claim payments in advance of Board allowance (under I.C. 36-2-6-4) for the following kinds of expenses (hereinafter referred to as “expenses”), so long as the requirements set forth hereafter are first met:
         (a)   Expenses for authorized county- related travel which are required to be paid in advance, including registration fees and transportation tickets.
         (b)   Insurance premiums, if necessary to procure or continue coverage.
         (c)   Expenses that must be paid because of emergency circumstances.
      (2)   Each payment of expenses under this division (A) must be supported by a fully itemized invoice or bill (i.e., claim) and certification by the County Auditor as required under I.C. 5-11-10-1.6(c)(1) through (4), inclusive.
      (3)   Before payment is made, the Board must give its prior written approval endorsed on the invoice or bill submitted. The Board hereby delegates to the President (or in his or her absence, the Vice- President) the authority to grant such approval on behalf of the Board.
      (4)   Payment of expenses under this section must be published in the manner specified in I.C. 36-2-6-3(d) (i.e., one publication in The Tribune and The Herald).
      (5)   The Board shall review and allow the claim at its next regular meeting following the preapproval made under division (A)(3) above.
   (B)   Payment of membership dues and subscriptions.
      (1)   County funds may be used to provide memberships and subscriptions to publications for the county and its elected and appointed officials in local, regional, state and national organizations of a civic, educational or governmental nature which have as their stated purpose the betterment and improvement of county government operations.
      (2)   Attached as Exhibit A to Ordinance BCC 2005-60 is the list of approved organizations and subscriptions designated by the County Council as meeting the criteria set forth in division (B)(1). The Council may appropriate funds to pay memberships and subscriptions for the county and its elected and appointed officials in these, and only these, organizations. Likewise, the Board may allow properly documented claims for such membership dues and subscriptions.
      (3)   Dues in legal professional associations, such as the Indiana State and American Bar Associations, as well as disciplinary fees payable to the Supreme Court Disciplinary Commission, shall not be paid from county funds.
(Ord. 2005-BCC-60, passed 11-7-05)