Howard County encourages incorporating on-site renewable energy system or zero net energy construction for new construction and redevelopment. Howard County may require on-site renewable energy or zero net-energy construction when issuing a conditional use permit where the project has access to local energy resources, in order to ensure consistency with Howard County's plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
   (A)   Density bonus. Any application for subdivision of land in the districts that will allow the development of at least four new lots of record shall be allowed to increase the maximum number of lots by 10% or one lot, whichever is greater, provided all building and wastewater setbacks can be met with the increased density, if the applicant enters into a development agreement guaranteeing at least three kilowatts of PV for each new residence that has a solar resource.
   (B)   Solar-ready buildings. Howard County encourages builders to use a solar-ready design in buildings. Buildings that submit a completed U.S. EPA Renewable Energy Ready Home Solar Photovoltaic Checklist (or other approved solar- ready standard) and associated documentation will be certified as a Howard County solar ready home and be eligible for low-cost financing through Howard County's Economic Development Authority. The designation will be included in the home's permit history.
   (C)   Solar access variance. When a developer requests a variance from Howard County's subdivision solar access standards, the zoning administrator may grant an administrative exception from the solar access standards provided the applicant meets the conditions of divisions (1) and (2) below.
      (1)   Solar access lots identified. At least 20% of the lots, or a minimum number of lots to be determined by Howard County.
      (2)   Covenant assigned. Solar access lots are assigned a covenant that homes built upon these lots must include a solar energy system. Photovoltaic systems must be at least three KW in capacity.
   (D)   Additional fees waived. Howard County may waive any additional fees for filing of the covenant.
(Ord. 2021-BCCO-28, passed 11-1-21)