(A)   Purpose and scope. This section is intended to adopt certain stormwater requirements for effective erosion and sediment control associated with stormwater runoff from construction activities. This section shall apply in geographic scope to all territory in Howard County not located within the City of Kokomo, the Town of Russiaville and the Town of Greentown (“County Area”). Provided, however, based upon the Drainage Board's statutory authority under I.C. 36-9-27-15, this section shall apply to the entire county (including the City of Kokomo, the Town of Russiaville and the Town of Greentown) with respect to any proposed new connection of a private, mutual or municipal drain to a county regulated drain.
   (B)   Policy statement. It shall be the policy and requirement of Howard County and the Howard County Drainage Board that the storage and controlled release of stormwater runoff shall be required for any new development, redevelopment and new construction located within the County Area and not exempt under division (D) below if this section. No improvement location permit shall be issued by the Howard County Plan Commission for the construction or extension of any proposed or existing building in the County Area until the drainage plans and calculations required under division (C) below have been approved by resolution of the Drainage Board.
   (C)   Standards and allowable release rates. The developer shall submit to the Howard County Surveyor, acting on behalf of the Drainage Board, plans and calculations in the form and content set out in Exhibit A attached to Ordinance 2019-BCCO-27 and incorporated herein. Such plans and calculations shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Drainage Board compliance with the Stormwater Requirements set forth on said Exhibit A. The Surveyor shall refer the plans and calculations to the Howard County Stormwater District for review and validation. In the event the Stormwater District, in its sole discretion, chooses to outsource such review and validation to a professional engineer, the professional fees incurred shall be paid by the Stormwater District.
   (D)   Exemptions. The following exemptions shall apply:
      (1)   Any lot intended for a single family or duplex dwelling which has Plan Commission approval prior to the effective date of Ordinance 2019-BCCO-27.
      (2)   All one-lot subdivisions must be submitted to the Drainage Board for approval; however, those intended for a single family or duplex dwelling may be exempted from submitting drainage calculations upon determination by the Surveyor that the proposed use would not significantly affect runoff.
      (3)   Any lot of record intended for a single family dwelling that is currently exempt from the Subdivision Control Ordinance; provided, any change of use shall require evaluation by the Drainage Board under Ordinance 2019-BCCO-27.
(Ord. 2019-BCCO-27, passed 9-16-19)