§ 152.41 STREETS.
   (A)   The street and alley layout shall provide access to all lots and parcels of land within the subdivision, and where streets cross other streets, jogs shall not be created.
   (B)   Proposed streets shall be adjusted to the contour of the land so as to produce usable lots and streets of reasonable gradient.
   (C)   Certain proposed streets, where appropriate, shall be extended to the boundary line of the tract to be subdivided so as to provide for normal circulation of traffic within the vicinity.
   (D)   Wherever a proposed subdivision lies adjacent to a dedicated or platted portion of a street or alley, the remainder of such street or alley shall be platted within the proposed subdivision to the prescribed width.
   (E)   Widths of streets and highways shall conform to the width specified in § 152.62 and the “Thoroughfare Standard Cross-Sections” located at Appendix B, Figures 3, 4 and 5.
   (F)   All cul-de-sacs shall terminate in a circular right-of-way with a minimum diameter of 100 feet and shall not exceed 600 feet in length.
   (G)   Alleys shall be discouraged in residential districts but should be included in commercial and industrial areas where needed for loading and unloading or access purposes, and where platted shall be at least 20 feet in width.
   (H)   The center lines of streets should intersect as nearly at right angles as possible.
   (I)   At intersections of streets and alleys, property line corners shall be rounded by arcs of at least 20 feet radii or by the chords of such arcs.
   (J)   At intersections of streets, the property line corners shall be rounded by arcs with radii of not less than 15 feet or by the chords of such arcs.
   (K)   If the smaller angle of intersection of two streets is less than 60 degrees, the radius of the arc at the intersection of property lines shall be increased as deemed advisable by the Commission.
   (L)   Intersections of more than two streets at one point shall be avoided.
   (M)   Where parkways, limited access highways, arterials or special types of streets are involved, the Commission may apply special standards to be followed in their design. These may include provisions for a marginal access street or a parallel street at a distance acceptable for the appropriate use of the land between the highway and such street.
   (N)   Unobstructed sight distances measured from a point five feet above the proposed grade line, to permit horizontal visibility on curved streets and vertical visibility on all streets, must be established along the center line of such street as follows:
      (1)   Arterial streets: 500 feet.
      (2)   Feeder streets: 200 feet.
      (3)   Residential streets: 150 feet.
   (O)   Curvature measured along the center line shall have a minimum radius as follows:
      (1)   Arterial streets: 1,000 feet.
      (2)   Feeder streets: 400 feet.
      (3)   Residential streets: 300 feet.
   (P)   Between reversed curves on arterial streets, there shall be a tangent of not less than 200 feet, and on feeder and residential streets, such tangent shall be not less than 100 feet.
   (Q)   Maximum grades for streets shall be as follows:
      (1)   Arterial streets: not greater than 4%.
      (2)   Feeder streets, residential streets and alleys: not greater than 6%.
   (R)   The minimum grade of any street gutter shall not be less than 0.4%.
(BCC Ord. 1977-38, passed 12-19-77) Penalty, see § 10.99