(A)   When the final plat is submitted to the Commission, it shall be accompanied by notice from the Board stating that there has been filed with and approved by that body one of the following:
      (1)   A certificate that all improvements and installations except individual septic tanks and wells for the subdivision required for its approval have been made or installed in accordance with specifications; or
      (2)   A bond which shall:
         (a)   Run to the Board;
         (b)   Be in an amount determined by the Board to be sufficient to complete the improvements and installations in compliance with this chapter;
         (c)   Be with surety satisfactory to the Board; and
         (d)   Specify the time for the completion of the improvements and installations.
   (B)   Upon the completion of the improvements and installations, except individual septic tanks and wells, required of a subdivider for the approval of a final plat, and prior to the acceptance thereof for public maintenance by the Board or, if applicable, to any other governmental unit, the subdivider shall provide a three year maintenance bond which shall:
      (1)   Run to the Board and, if applicable, to any other governmental unit having a legal responsibility for the maintenance of such improvements and Installations.
      (2)   Be in an amount equal to 10% of the cost of such improvements and installations as estimated by the Board.
      (3)   Provide surety satisfactory to the Board.
      (4)   Warrant the workmanship and all materials used in the construction, installation and completion of such improvements and installations to be of good quality and have been constructed and completed in a workmanlike manner in accordance with the standards, specifications and requirements of this chapter and the satisfactory plans and specifications thereof.
      (5)   Provide that for a period of three years after such installations and improvements have been completed or are accepted for public maintenance by any appropriate governmental unit or agency thereof, the subdivider will at his or her own expense make all repairs to such improvements and installations, or the foundations thereof, which may become necessary by reason of improper workmanship or materials with such maintenance; however, not to include any damage to such improvements and installations resulting from forces or circumstances beyond the control of the subdivider or occasioned by the inadequacy of the standards, specifications or requirements of this chapter.
   (C)   Within a reasonable time alter application for approval of the final plat, the Commission shall approve or disapprove it. If the Commission approves, it shall affix the Commission's seal upon the plat, together with the certifying signature of its President and Secretary. if it disapproves, it shall set forth the reasons for such disapproval in its own records and provide the applicant with a copy.
   (D)   The final plat, if approved, shall be recorded with the County Recorder within 12 months from the date of approval by the Commission. If the final plat is not recorded within the period specified, all previous actions with respect to the plat shall be deemed to be null and void.
(BCC Ord. 1977-38, passed 12-19-77)