(A)   In order to make the most of the opportunities related to the subdivision and to conserve time, effort and expense, the owner should consult with the Director, the County Surveyor, the technical representative of the Soil and Water Conservation District, the County Engineer, the Board of Heath and other public officials prior to the preparation of the preliminary plat of the subdivision. The Master Plan should be reviewed to determine how the proposed plan will fit into the Master Plan; requirements of the Official Major Streets and Highways Plan; school and recreational sites; shopping centers; community facilities; sanitation; water supply and drainage; and relationship to other developments, existing and proposed in the vicinity, should be determined in advance of the preparation of the subdivision. Consultation should also be held with those familiar with the economic factors affecting the subdivision. A thorough estimate of the situation will result in sound decisions with respect to the form, character and extent of the proposed subdivision.
   (B)   The Commission shall review all proposed subdivisions to determine whether the subdivision lies in a flood-prone area as defined in Chapter 151. If the Commission finds the subdivision to be so located, the petitioner shall forward all pertinent plans and materials to the Department of Natural Resources for review and comment. The Commission may require appropriate changes and modifications in order to assure that it is consistent with the need to minimize flood damages, all public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems are located and constructed to minimize or eliminate flood damage, adequate drainage is provided so as to reduce exposure to flood hazards, and that on-site waste disposal systems, if provided, will be so located as to avoid impairment of them or contamination from them during the occurrence of the regulatory flood.
(BCC Ord. 1977-38, passed 12-19-77)
   Flood damage prevention, see Chapter 151