(A)   Wherever the location of a street is indicated in the Official Major Streets and Highways Plan as following an existing road or street, or a section or half-section or other established property line, the location of the street shall conform to such location; however; a street lying wholly within a subdivision, and not designated as following an existing road or established property line, may be varied in its alignment when such variance promotes the plan of a neighborhood development unit in accordance with good site planning principles, and if such alignment provides for the continuity of traffic movement.
   (B)   In the absence of any street being designated in each section of land on or approximately on the north-south and east-west section lines of such sections, it is the intent of the Official Major Streets and Highways Plan and this chapter that Primary Feeder Streets be established on such section lines.
   (C)   In the absence of any street being designated in each section of land on or approximately on the north-south and east-west half-section lines of such sections, it is the intent of the Official Major Streets and Highways Plan and this chapter that Secondary Feeder Streets be established on such half-section lines.
   (D)   Wherever the location of a street is indicated in the Official Major Streets and Highways Plan as following an irregular alignment, or a reversed alignment, or is not referenced to an established line, it shall follow the alignment shown in the Official Major Streets and Highways Plan. Such alignment shall be subject to a detailed survey which may be provided by the Commission or other public agencies, or by the owners of land to be subdivided if required by the Commission. The survey for such street shall be subject to the approval of the Commission prior to the dedication of the street.
(BCC Ord. 1977-38, passed 12-19-77)