For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER. Those owners of property contiguous to the subject property, ignoring all intervening streams, street and railroad rights-of-way.
   ALLEY. A right-of-way, other than a street, road, crosswalk or easement, that provides secondary access for the special accommodation of the abutting property.
   BLOCK. Property having frontage on one side of a street and located between the two nearest intersecting or intercepting streets, or nearest intersecting or intercepting street or railroad right-of- way, waterway or other barrier. When intersecting or intercepting streets and railroad rights-of-way, waterways or other barriers do not exist, within 330 feet on either side of the centerline of the area, the unit of 660 feet shall be used. The measurement may begin at a quarter section line and terminate each 660 feet unless intersected by a street.
   BOARD. The Board of County Commissioners of Howard County, Indiana.
   BOARD OF HEALTH. The Howard County Board of Health.
   BUILDING LINE. Means the line that establishes the minimum permitted distance on a lot between the front line of a building and the street right-of-way line.
   COMMISSION. The Howard County Plan Commission.
   COUNTY. Howard County, Indiana
   COUNTY DRAINAGE BOARD. The Howard County Drainage Board.
   COUNTY ENGINEER. The Howard County Highway Engineer.
   COUNTY SURVEYOR. The Howard County Surveyor.
   COVENANT. A written promise or pledge.
   CUL-DE-SAC, COURT or DEAD-END STREET. A short street having one end open to traffic and being permanently terminated by a vehicle turn-around.
   DEBRIS BASIN. A barrier or dam built across a waterway or at other suitable locations to retain rock, sand, gravel or silt or other material.
   DEVELOPER. Any individual, subdivider, firm, association, syndicate, partnership, corporation, trust or any other legal entity commencing proceedings under these regulations to effect a subdivision of land hereunder for himself, herself or for another.
   DIRECTOR. The officer or employee of the County Plan Commission who has authority to enforce this chapter.
   DRAINAGE SWALE. A natural or constructed waterway, usually broad and shallow, covered with erosion-resistant grasses, used to conduct surface water from a field, diversion or other site feature.
   DRAINAGE SYSTEM. Any combination of surface and subsurface drainage components fulfilling the drainage requirements of this chapter.
   EASEMENT. A grant by the property owner of the use of a strip of land by the public, a corporation or persons for specified purposes.
   EROSION. The wearing away of the land surface by the action of wind, water or gravity.
   GRADING. Any stripping, cutting, filling, stockpiling or any combination thereof, and shall include the land in its cut or filled condition.
   JURISDICTION OF THE COMMISSION. The unincorporated territory of Howard County, Indiana.
   LOT. For purposes of these regulations, a lot is a parcel of land of sufficient size to meet the minimum zoning requirements for use, coverage and area, and to provide such yards and other open spaces as are herein required. Such lot shall have frontage on an improved street, or on an approved private street.
   MAJOR STREETS AND HIGHWAYS PLAN. The part of the Master Plan, now or hereafter adopted, which sets forth the location, alignment, dimensions, identification and classification of existing and proposed streets, highways and other thoroughfares.
   MASTER PLAN. The complete plan, or any of its parts, for the development of the county, prepared by the Commission and adopted in accordance with I.C. 36-7-4-500 et seq., as now or may hereafter be in effect.
   MULCHING. The application of plant or other suitable materials on the soil surface to conserve moisture, hold soil in place and aid in establishing plant cover.
   OPEN DITCH. A relatively deep drainage channel which may have a continuous water flow the year round. Open ditches are outlets for both surface, subsurface or storm sewer drainage system.
   PERSON. Includes a corporation, firm, partnership, association, organization or any other group that acts as a unit or legal entity.
   PLAT. A map or chart indicating the subdivision or resubdivision of land, intended to be filed for record.
   PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE. A group of persons with technical knowledge of various county, state, and federal regulations and standards regarding urban development, appointed by the Commission. The Committee is responsible for working with developers in reviewing the technical aspects of subdivision plans and other major development projects. The Committee makes technical findings and recommendations to the Commission.
   PRIVATE STREET. A right-of-way which has the characteristics of a street, as defined herein, except that it is not dedicated to the public use. A driveway which is located on a lot and which serves only the use on that lot is not considered as a private street.
   REGULATED DRAIN. Any drainage system over which the County Drainage Board has legal control.
   SEDIMENT. Solid material, both mineral and organic, that is in suspension, is being transported, or has been moved from its site of origin by air, water or gravity as a product of erosion.
   SHALL. The term is always mandatory.
   SOIL. All unconsolidated mineral and organic material of whatever origin that overlies bedrock which can be readily excavated.
   SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT. The Howard County Soil and Water Conservation District.
   SOIL SURVEY. Refers to the Soil Survey of Howard County, Indiana, prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, in cooperation with Purdue University Agricultural Experiment Station, which may be updated from time to time based on the National Cooperative Soil Survey.
   STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM. A system of open ditches, pipes or drainage swales used to collect and convey storm water runoff.
   STORM SEWERS. A system of pipes, tiles or tubing installed beneath the ground surface which collects and conveys surface water from more than one parcel, lot or the discharge from a subsurface drain.
   STREET or ROAD. A right-of-way, other than an alley, dedicated or otherwise legally established to the public use, usually affording the principal means of access to abutting property. A street may be designated as a highway, thoroughfare, parkway, boulevard, road, avenue, lane, drive or other appropriate name.
   STREET, ARTERIAL. A street providing for through movement of large volumes of traffic. Arterial streets are intended to provide access to abutting property subject to necessary control of entrances and exits for traffic movement and where safety conditions warrant.
   STREET (OR ALLEY) IMPROVEMENT. The construction of a street or alley to its full thickness, commencing at the subgrade according to the specifications contained in § 152.62. The placing of a new surface over an existing paved or closed surface street or alley shall not be considered as an improvement but as maintenance.
   STREET PAVEMENT WIDTH. The usable traveled surface of the street. For streets with curb and gutter, the width is measured on the lip of gutter to lip of gutter or the face of curb to face of curb, whichever is the greater distance. For streets without curb or gutter, the width is measured from edge of pavement to edge of pavement. See Appendix B, Figures 1 and 2.
   STREET, PRIMARY FEEDER. A street planned to facilitate the collection of traffic from local streets, and to provide circulation within neighborhood areas and convenient ways for traffic to reach principal arterial streets.
   STREET, RESIDENTIAL. A street used primarily for access to abutting properties, usually residential.
   STREET, SECONDARY FEEDERS. A street with lower traffic volumes fulfilling the same function as major collectors.
      (1)   The division of any parcel of land shown as a unit, part of a unit, or as contiguous units on the last preceding transfer of property into two or more parcels, sites or lots for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership.
      (2)   The following divisions of land shall not be considered a subdivision.
         (a)   The sale or exchange of land between adjoining lot owners, where such sale or exchange does not create additional building sites;
         (b)   The improvement of one or more parcels of land for residential, commercial or industrial structures or groups of structures involving the division and all location of land as streets or other open spaces for common use by owners, occupants or lease holders; or
         (c)   Easements for the extension and maintenance of public sewer, water, storm drainage or other public facilities.
   SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE. A system of pipes, tile, conduit or tubing installed beneath the ground surface used to collect ground water from individual parcels, lots or building footings.
   SURFACE DRAINAGE. A system by which the storm water runoff is conducted to an outlet. This would include the proper grading of parking lots, streets, driveways, yards and the like so that storm water runoff is removed without ponding and flows to a drainage swale, open ditch or a storm sewer.
   VEGETATIVE PROTECTION. Stabilization of erosive or sediment-producing areas by covering the soil with:
      (1)   Permanent seeding, producing long- term vegetative cover;
      (2)   Short-term seeding producing temporary vegetative cover; or
      (3)   Sodding, producing areas covered with a turf of perennial sod-forming grass
   ZONING CODE. The part of the Master Plan, now or hereafter adopted, which includes an ordinance and zone maps which divides the area under the jurisdiction of the Commission into districts, with regulations and requirements and procedures for the establishment of land use controls. (See Chapter 153.)
(BCC Ord. 1977-38, passed 12-19-77)