(A)   The following rules, regulations and codes are hereby adopted by reference as the rules and regulations governing the construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, relocation and use of buildings and structures in the county.
      (1)   The Indiana Construction Rules and Regulations, Volume I, 1973 edition, amended 1974, promulgated by the Administrative Building Council of Indiana.
      (2)   The One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code, 1976 edition, promulgated by the Administrative Building Council of Indiana.
      (3)   The National Electrical Code, 1978 edition, adopted by the National Fire Protection Association.
      (4)   The Plumbing Rules and Regulations, Volume III, 1976 edition, amended 1976, promulgated by the Administrative Building Council of Indiana.
      (5)   The Mechanical Rules and Regulations, Volume IV, 1976 edition, amended 1977, promulgated by the Administrative Building Council of Indiana.
   (B)   Two copies of the foregoing rules and regulations are on file for reference in the office of the County Building Commission in the County Courthouse.
(`83 Code, § 150.03) (Ord. 1977-41, passed 1-30-78)