(A)   Collection of fees. The Health Department shall collect all such fees established as a part of the ordinance in accord with Schedule A in § 92.17. Fees are subject to change without notice when rules set forth and governed by the state of Indiana are changed by the state and the change results in an immediate detrimental impact on the budget of the Howard County Health Department.
   (B)   Accounting for fees. All fees collected by the Health Department shall be accounted for in detail in each office area, Vital Records, Environmental Health, and Nursing offices.
   (C)   Disposition of fees. All fees collected by the Health Department shall be transferred to the Howard County Health Fund.
   (D)   Any person whose check is returned for non-sufficient funds shall be subject to a fine in addition to the cost of the permit or service which must be paid in cash.
(`83 Code, § 92.23) (Ord. 1983-4, passed 1-31-83; Am. BCC Ord. 1993-32, passed 10-25-93; Am. BCC Ord. 2000-11, passed 2-21-00; Am. Ord. 2004-BCC-05, passed 2-2-04; Am. Ord. 2006-BCC-17, passed 8-2-06; Am. Ord. BCC-2009-03, passed 2-16-09; Am. Ord. 2012-BCCO-11, passed 4-16-12; Am. Ord. 2013-BCCO-23, passed 11-4-13; Am. Ord. 2015-BCCO-46, passed 12-21-15)