(A)   The Howard County Board of Commissioners, declare and ordain pursuant to the provisions of I.C. 10-14-3-29, that a state or emergency exists in the county with respect to fire hazards; and that we hereby invoke ad declare those portions of the Indiana Code which are applicable to the conditions and have cause the issuance of this proclamation, to be in full force and effect in the county until repealed, for the exercise of all necessary emergency authority to protect the lives and property of the citizens of Howard County.
   (B)   The Board of Commissioners also declare that, effective immediately, the following activities are prohibited in Howard County:
      (1)   Open burning of any kind, including comfort fires, agricultural fires (including timber or vegetation), burning of debris (including construction materials) or similar burning; provided, that this ban shall not apply to fires used for cooking or heating, such as barbeque grills, pits or fireplaces, so long as such fires are properly contained and monitored and the wood or charcoal used in such fires is not removed until thoroughly extinguished; and
      (2)   Use of burn barrels or similar containers for any open burning at residential, business or commercial structures.
(Ord. 2012-BCCO-17, passed 6-26-12) Penalty, see § 10.99